The Five Managerial Skills
To be effective, managers need to possess technical, interpersonal, conceptual, diagnostic, and political skills.
A. Technical Skill -
Involves an understanding of and proficiency in a specific activity that
involves methods, processes, procedures, or techniques. Budget preparation is an
example of a technical skill.
B. Interpersonal Skill (or human relations)
The manager's ability to work effectively as a team member and to build cooperative effort in the unit. Communication skills are an
example of an important interpersonal skill. An important subset of interpersonal skills for managers is multiculturalism, or the ability to work effectively and conduct business with people from different cultures. Many managers at all levels ultimately fail because their interpersonal skills are not good enough for the demands of the job.
C. Conceptual Skill -
The ability to see the organization as a total entity (the "big picture"). Strategic planning requires conceptual skill.
D. Diagnostic Skill -
This involves investigating a problem and then choosing a course of action to solve it.
E. Political Skill -
The ability to acquire the power necessary to reach objectives. Managers high in political skill possess a keens sense of astuteness and understanding of people. Negotiating and forming alliances are examples of political skills. Political skill should be regarded as a supplement to job competence and other basic skills.
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